Purple Martin hatchlings at the MDC Condo 2024
Hello! NSB Utilities’ SpringFest, Mar 25
Your donations help power our work at SEVAS.
SEVAS is an environmental leader in Southeast Volusia County. We cultivate diversity of birds and other wildlife, and impact the policies regarding their critical habitat through our conservation advocacy, education, and inclusive community involvement.
Proceeds fund our chapter- we have no paid staff. November through April SEVAS hosts a monthly Speaker Series, weekly birding walks locally, other field trips further afield. We manage environmental projects, tend to our native gardens, and raise awareness of our mission:
Protecting Birds and their Habitats Through
Conservation Education, Advocacy, and Action.
One of many ways SEVAS gets the word out is via our newsletter, The Skimmer. Click here to read a recent issue and learn about our activities. Follow the live links within each issue for more.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Canada’s National Wildlife Research Centre found that the bird population in the USA and Canada has suffered a net loss of 3 BILLION BIRDS since 1970. That’s a whopping 29% decline. This is a warning to all of us, and one that SEVAS takes seriously. We want to reverse this trend, and we want you to be a part of our mission to study and protect birds. Please give generously- the time is NOW. Thank you!
Deep Creek Preserve Field Trip, Mar 25